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Archive for the ‘Health’ Category

How to Eat Healthy and Lose Weight

Posted by okmusa on November 13, 2008

With the holidays upon us, we don’t need to be reminded that all the dinners, goodies and sweet treats are waiting there to undermine our weight-loss efforts. But, if you keep your head about you, you can not only enjoy what the season has to offer, but maintain your current weight and even lose a few pounds.

The first thing to remember is that you didn’t gain a lot of weight in one day, so it stands to reason that you will not lose a lot of weight in one day, which would be downright dangerous. Losing weight the healthy and safe way requires that you eat healthy and exercise througout the week. That, of course, is no secret. However, I will share with you my secret of weight loss success.

Taking the attitude that I did not get overweight overnight, I began to look at how I was eating and what I was eating and when I was eating. I found that I was eating quickly, I was eating prepared and packaged food and I was eating all day up to near bedtime. Add that to the fact that I wasn’t exercising very much and it didn’t take Sherlock Holmes to determine where the problem was. My weight was up, my blood pressure was beginning to concern my doctor, and I had stomach problems.

For the record, I hate diets. They are boring and very hard to stick to. But, I had to do something. First of all, those prepared and packaged foods I was eating contained lots and lots of sodium. Most doctors you consult will tell you that the maximum daily intake of sodium for a healthy adult should be around 2400mg. A 2 ounce bag of Frito Chili Cheese corn chips (which I dearly love) has a whopping 530 milligrams, almost 1/4 of the daily allowance of sodium, not to mention 320 calories that you have to walk about 3 miles to burn off.

So, that was what I started with. I began to watch my sodium intake and eat lower sodium foods. This pretty much cut out the Fritos and other packaged or prepared foods. But, when I work, I simply must have something to munch, so now I munch on baby carrots, celery, and even a bowl of dry low-sodium generic Cheerios or low-sodium popcorn. This has several benefits: my blood pressure is now managed at healthy levels without medication; I lost several pounds very quickly just from water loss (sodium makes your body hold more water); My calorie intake was lower.

Portion control is also a big part of any plan. Some experts tell you that eating six smaller meals is better than eating 3 larger meals. This may be so, at least in the beginning. If you begin to eat smaller meals and your stomach is used to larger meals, then you will get hungry between the traditional breakfast, lunch and supper. Smaller meals or light snacks can fill in and keep you from feeling so hungry, which is a downfall of many a diet. But, you will find that it only takes your stomach a few days to learn not to expect so much and have you feeling full on less.

I exercise during the week and take weekends off. I started out just walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes per day at about 3 miles per hour. Now, I’ve added some weight training to go along with it. This helps your body burn off calories, helps your cholesterol levels (lower bad, raise good), and with the weight training, continues to burn calories after the exercise is complete. If you haven’t exercised in a while, it is a good idea to visit your doctor and get his or her recommendations for beginning again. In any case, it is a good idea to start slowly and gradually work yourself up as your body is able. Generally, I’m at the fitness center about an hour per day, so it is not a huge drain on time.

Now, as I said, I HATE dieting, so I had to find some way to make it more bearable. This goes to the philosophy that I did not gain it all in one day. I picked a day out of the week, mine is Friday, that is my free day. My free day allows me to eat pretty much what I want. The good thing is that by using portion control all week long, my stomach will feel full on much less food, even on my free day. Be flexible, however, so that you can move your free day for the Christmas party, or Thanksgiving dinner, etc.

I find that dieting is easier when I can look forward to a day each week that I can eat yummy stuff without worrying. I didn’t get overweight in one day, and I certainly won’t gain it all back in one day.

If you’ve tried everything and still can’t seem to lose weight, a very good program that uses a slightly different approach to weight loss is Fat Loss 4 Idiots.

Remember, please consult with your physician before beginning any kind of diet or exercise regimen.

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